Life is a Journey

Your life passes by before you know it. A few years have passed and you wonder, 'what happened in that time, what have I done?'. Maybe the better question is 'Have I done what I wanted to or have I pushed that ahead?'

Sometimes something needs to happen to wake you up. And it did! So I want to tell you my story, to inspire you to find your destiny, to make sure that you love yourself and that you live your life like you are suppose to live it!

Sometimes life can just throw you into it

Sometimes it only takes a few words to throw your life upside down. In my case it were only three: 'It is cancer'. In this journey I have faced a lot of scary things, but the only way out is through. So I made the choice to go through. 

Do you want to know how it was, I will tell you in this video.

Living my Life

My most valuable lesson is to really listen to my heart. In the past all the thought in my head got in the way. I will not let that happen anymore!

What does that mean?

From time to time choosing for me, in other words letting all of my roles go (mother, wife, cleaning lady) and just do what I want to do. Usually this turns out with me going up into the mountains which I love. 
Letting go of the expectations that the world/society has for me, but just going with my flow.
Making time for tuning in & listening to what my 'Inner Woman' wants to say to me
'Eradicating doubt' as Wayne Dyer says
Loving myself

Writing is the key

What I really liked (and still do) was writing, just writing everything that comes to my mind. When my thoughts or feelings were on the page, I could let go. It was out of my body. 

Writing helped me through my journey. Whatever your journey, I know that writing will help you as well. You can just that take a blank page and start writing, but if you want more than I have created a journal which can guide you through your journey.

Finding the real 'me'

In our society it is very easy to loose yourself. With all the expectations that are there, what is it that you truly want? There is no time to find out, because we our alway living in the next moment. 

What if, you start living in this moment. What is you let go of all of those expectations? What if your creativity takes over (because it really is in you)? Who will you be?

Inge van der Velpen

"Imagine that you let go of all your roles  (wife/husband, mother/father, employee/employer, cleaning lady/gentleman, etc.) and ask yourself 'Who is left'? So, who is the real you? What if you could find out and live your life..."

Do you want to start living your life?

Find out what gives you meaning in life, by reading my book and get inspired by my story. 

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