Inge van der Velpen

Published March 28th, 2024 in My Journey

The moment that changed my life

The first thing I heard when I woke up from the surgery was the anesthesiologist saying: 'Everything went well'. It started sinking in, I just had a 5-hour surgery to remove my thyroid and lymphnodes because there was cancer in it. Furthermore they performed a biopsy, because they also found a tumor in the bone of my right upper leg.

This wasn't my first surgery this year

There was something different this time waking up from surgery. I knew it was different, because my last operation was only a few months ago. It was already my third operation this year. In February I had two surgeries because of a broken leg. Something felt differently this time. 

This time I wasn't caught up with myself, with al my troubles, because of what happened. Waking up from my leg surgery I felt down, the knowledge that I needed crutches for 3 months was terrible and I knew I would be in therapy for at least a year. Now, I didn't thought about what it would mean to live without a thyroid or what the knowledge that I had cancer would do to me and the rest of my life. This time I didn't thought, I could only feel. I was full of love and gratitude, for everyone who was there for me since my journey started. 

After a while a woman was brought into the recovery room. Her surgery was done and now it was time to wake up. She didn't wake up the way she would have liked. She was confused, didn't know where she was or what had happened. Normally I would feel sorry for her, but I didn't had that feeling. 

Feeling sorry vs sending love

The only thing I wanted to do was sending love over to her. That is what I did,  sending love to someone I could only hear, because I knew that she needed it.

'Quantum moment'

These feelings I had continued, at first my husband was confinced that it was a side effect of the anesthetic. Later he realised that it didn't wore off and he called it a 'quantum moment'. To know exactly what he meant, I looked it up.

A wake-up call

Researchers described quantum change as 'a vivid, surprising, benevolend and enduring personal transformation'. These quantum moments turns lifes upside down. Wayne Dyer liked to describe them as 'a wake-up call from heaven'. 

Did I make a Quantum Leap during the surgery? Would this turn my life upside down?

Do you want to start living your life?

Find out what gives you meaning in life, by reading my book and get inspired by my story. 

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